Which statement would most likely be heard from a member of the Federalist party?

a. “We should definitely get involved in the French Revolution and help them fight the British. After all, they helped us fight them in our war.”
b. “What we need is for the federal government to help with the development of a business district in our city.”
c. “Agriculture is the heart of our nation, and supporting our farmers is of great importance.”
d. “Making it illegal to talk badly about our president is a violation of the First Amendment.”
e. “Alexander Hamilton is nuts! Someone should throw that man in jail.”

Scroll down for the answer!

Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

b. “What we need is for the federal government to help with the development of a business district in our city.”

Federalists were all about using the government’s power to kickstart economic activity and liked the idea of growing commercial interests in urban centers. They were also pro-British, they were critical of the French Revolution, and they were so annoyed by their Republican critics that they came up with the Sedition Act in 1798 which made it a crime to talk smack about the president (Federalist John Adams) and Congress (controlled at the time by Federalists). The Sedition Act was passed at the same time the Alien Act (and a couple of other immigration-related acts), so everyone just refers to them collectively as the Alien and Sedition Acts.

apush, ap us history

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