Why did Spain close the mouth of the Mississippi River to American shipping?

a. Americans had refused to pay a tax for using the river
b. The river was deemed too dangerous for shipping vessels to navigate safely
c. Native Americans had declared the river sacred and convinced the Spanish to block all commercial boats from entering
d. Spain was concerned that Americans would eventually try to take the region from them
e. The river was too shallow for the large shipping vessels Americans were using

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Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

d. Spain was concerned that Americans would eventually try to take the region from them

And they were right to be concerned about it! Thanks to the French and Indian War, Spain had gained control of the Louisana Territory from France. They saw how many Americans were pushing west and they were like whoooaaaa this has to stop. So they closed off the river to discourage American settlers from encroaching on their turf. Eventually Spain gave up the land to Napoleon Bonaparte in a separate deal, and America wound up buying it in 1803 for the bargain basement price of $15 million.

mississippi river, ap us history, louisiana territory

Well we don’t call him BAD PUN COON for nothing