What prompted the writing of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, also known as The Bill of Rights?

a. The refusal of Antifederalists to support the Constitution unless such changes were made
b. Widespread support for ideas presented in The Federalist Papers
c. Concerns voiced by delegates from smaller states who believed that the new government being created would be too powerful
d. The failure of The Articles of Confederation to address public uprisings
e. It was part of the final agreement in the Three-Fifths Compromise

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Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

a. The refusal of Antifederalists to support the Constitution unless such changes were made

Antifederalists, led by Patrick Henry and George Mason, were worried that America’s new government would be dominated by society’s elite (*cough* kind of like it is now). The big issue was that individual rights weren’t protected and therefore they didn’t want to ratify the Constitution. The Federalists pinkie-swore to add those rights as amendments and, to this day, those amendments are a major part of American life. Have you ever heard someone on TV say “I plead the fifth!” to a courtroom full of people? We have Antifederalists to thank for that.

Song by Rhythm, Rhyme, Results

It’s the Bill of Rights, it’s the bill of your rights
It’s time to take your knowledge up to unfamiliar heights
The thrill of your life, just like riding a bike
You’re never, never, never going to forget the Bill of Rights

The right to free speech and religion and press
Are guaranteed by Amendment One
Amendment Number Two says it’s true, that it’s all up to you
If you choose to possess a gun
The government can’t force you to house and feed a soldier
Says Amendment Number Three
Amendment Number Four we adore says without a warrant
Your stuff can’t be searched or seized


Amendment Number Five says the court can’t try you
With evidence they already used
It also says that nobody can make you self-incriminate
You’re allowed to stay silent if you choose.
Amendment Number Six won’t let the criminal clock tick
The rights of the accused continue here, and then
Amendment Number Seven gives you one plus eleven:
A right to a trial by a jury of your peers
If it’s cruel and unusual punishment
It’s ruled out by Amendment Eight
Amendment Number Nine says that other rights are fine
And Ten gives the rest to the states.