The Federalist Papers were…

a. Written by Patrick Henry and George Mason in support of creating The Bill of Rights
b. Written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison in support of ratifying the Constitution
c. Written by Daniel Shays in opposition to taxes imposed on farmers by the state of Massachusetts
d. Written by George Washington in his bid to become America’s first president
e. Written by John Winthrop and William Penn to outline the need for a powerful central government

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Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

b. Written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison in support of ratifying the Constitution

Federalists were cheerleaders for the Constitution (which hadn’t been ratified yet), and three of the biggest cheerleaders were Hamilton, Jay, and Madison. Together, these guys wrote the Federalist Papers which explained why the Articles of Confederation sucked and how a government with checks and balances (ie: three branches of Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) would be good for everyone.

Unfortunately, the history books don’t say whether or not James Madison’s wife, Dolley, was the inspiration for Hostess naming one of its snack brands “Dolly Madison”.

federalist papers, ap us history

Coincidence? Hmm…