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Category: 1763-1783: The American Revolution

The colonial rallying cry, “No taxation without representation!”, was adopted as a result of which event?

The colonial rallying cry, “No taxation without representation!”, was adopted as a result of which event?

a. The Boston Tea Party of 1773
b. The Boston Massacre of 1770
c. The Stamp Act Congress of 1765
d. The Gaspee Affair of 1772
e. The Proclamation Act of 1763

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Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

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The French and Indian War was…?

The French and Indian War was

a. Fought between French colonists and Native Americans over French claims to native lands in North America
b. A conflict in which British and French forces fought side by side to drive Native Americans off their land
c. A war fought by the colonists of British North America against French troops and local natives in an attempt to claim northern lands in what is now Canada
d. A war fought by the colonists of British North America against French troops and local natives in an attempt to claim lands west of the Appalachian mountains
e. A war in which local natives fought colonization efforts by both British and French settlers

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Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

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Which of the following was not an advantage that the British had over colonists in the Revolutionary War?

Which of the following was not an advantage that the British had over colonists in the Revolutionary War?

a. They had an organized and professional military force
b. They offered freedom to slaves who would fight on their behalf
c. They could rely on support from Native American tribes
d. They already had loyal supporters within the colonies
e. They could easily control British North America’s vast wilderness and rural lands

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Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

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Which of the following is not one of the central ideas that is expressed in The Declaration of Independence?

Which of the following is not one of the central ideas that is expressed in The Declaration of Independence?

a. All men are created equal
b. People have the right to alter or abolish a government that violates their natural rights
c. Government gains legitimacy from having the consent of the governed
d. The power to govern belongs to the people
e. Slaves must be endowed by their owners with certain unalienable rights

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Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

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The Coercive Acts (or Intolerable Acts) of 1774 were passed by British government in response to what event?

The Coercive Acts (or Intolerable Acts) of 1774 were passed by British government in response to what event?

a. The Boston Massacre
b. The Boston Tea Party
c. The ratification of The Declaration of Independence
d. The formation of The Sons of Liberty
e. King George III’s rejection of The Olive Branch Petition

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Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

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