Which of the following was not an advantage that the British had over colonists in the Revolutionary War?

a. They had an organized and professional military force
b. They offered freedom to slaves who would fight on their behalf
c. They could rely on support from Native American tribes
d. They already had loyal supporters within the colonies
e. They could easily control British North America’s vast wilderness and rural lands

Scroll down for the answer!

Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

e. They could easily control British North America’s vast wilderness and rural lands

The Battle of Saratoga, a turning point in the Revolutionary War, made it clear to the British that controlling America’s expansive non-urban areas would be a big problem.

american revolutionary war, mel gibson, the patriot, ap us history

The British had a tough time with rural and forested battlefields, especially when they had to fight Mel Gibson [scene from The Patriot (2000)]