Which of the following statements is true of The Half-Way Covenant?

a. African slaves were allowed partial freedom in return for hard work
b. Children of Congregationalist Church members were allowed partial church membership
c. Fifty percent of all colonial taxes were paid directly to the Congregationalist Church
d. The ratio of slaves to white population could not exceed 50% for fear of an open slave rebellion
e. 50% of all taxes collected in the 13 colonies would be paid directly to the British government

Scroll down for the answer!

Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

b. Children of Congregationalist Church members were allowed partial church membership

By the 1650s, Puritan leaders were noticing that young people weren’t as crazy about church as their parents and grandparents were, so the Half-Way Covenant was hatched in 1662. The granting of partial membership made it very easy for children of the congregation to be a part of the church.

Prior to the Half-Way Covenant, anyone who wanted to be a member had to be able to demonstrate that they’d had some kind of profound religious experience, like the kind that might lead one to “find Jesus”. Daaaang! No wonder their membership was dwindling.

half-way covenant, ap us history

Puritan children were really jazzed about the Half-Way Covenant