Spain’s Encomienda System was…

a. A systematic plan for taking control of New World lands claimed by the Portuguese
b. A mining technique for extracting gold discovered in Central and South America
c. A system of colonization that closely resembled Europe’s feudal system
d. A plan for assimilating native people in Central and South America into Spanish culture
e. A method of navigation employed by Spanish sailors and conquistadores

Scroll down for the answer!

Disclaimer: This question is just for testing your knowledge of AP US History… it is not intended to be a “sample question” from the AP US History Exam! That’s what APUSH practice tests are for.

c. A system of colonization that closely resembled Europe’s feudal system

Under the Encomienda System, Spanish encomenderos in Mexico were free to conduct their affairs… mining gold and being mean to the natives… as long as they sent a percentage of their haul back to the king and queen.

encomienda, mexican history, ap us history

Sorry for the lame Encomienda meme! I suck.